Kirkland Hometown Values Goes Mobile
Celebrity Chef Tour at The Heathman

Natural Yard Design Classes (and they're free!)

Fall is the perfect time to plant and prepare your yard for winter, so it's opportune that the City of Kirkland is offering free natural yard design workshops.  They are  conducted by expert yard care professionals, and will help you create a beautiful healthy yard.  With all the sunshine we've been having, it's all I can do to remember to water my grass!  Seriously, though, it looks like they have a lot of professionals ready to share all their secrets with you, so take advantage if you can.

Here's the lineup: 

Dates and

 October 4, Garden Design and Growing Healthy Soil

October 11, Designing with Plants and Natural Pest Control

October 18, Edible Gardening and Smart Watering

October 25, Natural Lawn Care

7:00-9:00 p.m. each Thursday

Our Redeemer Lutheran church, 11611 N.E. 140th Street, Kirkland

 To Reserve
a Seat:
   Call Betsy Adams at 425-587-3858 or email [email protected].




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