RocketFizz: Soda Pop and Candy Shop
Lots of Action on Central Way

Bagels, Bears and a New Boy in Charge

EinsteinBagelClosing (2)   EinsteinBagelClosing (3)

Einstein Bagels
in Kirkland Park Place has CLOSED.  Workers told me it was because of the upcoming redevelopment, which looks like it is still in the design review process. So you're going to have to head westward to fulfill your Einstein bagel craving now.


There's been a bear sighting in Kirkland.  Amazingly, the city of Kirkland/newsroom report was dated 9/28 for an incident on 9/27.  They're magical like that. Anyway- BEAR.  Near Montebello Apartments on 131st Lane NE.   Police got called out but couldn't find the sneaky fella.  And worth mentioning are my friends in Woodinville that would totally laugh at us because they always have bears in their trash.  I'm also a little confused when they run through the steps of what to do when confronted with a bear.  Because the last step here seems to be interchanged with what I thought the last step is.  IT says, "If the bear attacks, fight back aggressively. As a last resort, should the attack continue, protect yourself by curling into a ball or lying on the ground on your stomach and playing dead."  Not that I would be in any frame of mind should this situation actually present itself, but I thought that I was supposed to act big, THEN play dead and if THAT didn't work THEN I fight like hell.  Argh.  So confusing.  I'm going to trust my animal instincts I think.  Be safe out there.

Ok, so he's not really a 'boy' but it made the title fun and rhyme-y.  We're talking about Captain Bill Hamilton of the Kirkland PD.  He's a man with a lot of experience and is super capable at his job and well-respected within the dept and our community. And if he reads this he can just laugh at me, because he's from Jersey too which means we have a secret unbreakable Northeastern bond and we've eaten a lot of pizza in our day.  Here's the announcement, which speaks way more eloquently than I do....

As Kirkland Police Chief Eric Olsen readies for his retirement on September 30, 2015, Captain Bill Hamilton is set to assume the responsibilities of Interim Police Chief starting October 1. Kirkland City Manager Kurt Triplett recently announced Hamilton’s appointment.  As the Operations Captain for the Kirkland Police Department (KPD), Captain Hamilton oversees the Patrol, Traffic and K-9 Units and emergency management functions, as well as participating in labor contract negotiations. He has served in this position since 2009 but has worked for KPD since 1990.

“Captain Hamilton has a long history of dedication to the Department and the community, served as Acting Chief, and worked very closely with Chief Olsen and previous chiefs,” notes Kirkland City Manager Kurt Triplett.  “As the senior captain, he will provide continuity and stability as the search to find a permanent chief begins.”  

Hamilton will serve as Interim Chief until the position is permanently filled. Triplett estimates that the hiring process could take up to six months.


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Dan Ryan

As of a couple of days ago, Einstein still had job postings for Kirkland. So they may have plans to re-open.

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