Kathakali Fills the House
Whirling and Wednesdays

Wow Wow Lemonade, Let me In!


It was last July I had heard that Wow Wow Hawaiian Lemonade was coming to Kirkland.  And so I waited. And waited.   And now it's here at 52 Lakeshore Plaza.  On a sunny Memorial weekend day I drove through Marina Park and (shocker!) couldn't find a parking spot.  I swooned out the window at the sunshine bouncing off their bright yellow and white umbrellas yearning for a way to encounter this new downtown business.   The patio was packed with people happily quenching their thirst with what I hear are amazing handcrafted lemonades that started in Hawaii.  

Wowwowdoor  WowwowInterior
So now it's three days later, and I take my son for a haircut and think I'd classified as  a pretty cool mom if I took him for a lemonade afterwards.  He agrees. It's Tuesday, and parking is wide open. Score!? No. Too good to be true.  I was able to walk in and snap a few pics but they were closed.  Now I feel like I'm a bit of a Wow Wow Stalker. I will have to try again, but in the meantime, you can enjoy my pics (theirs are better) and learn about their interesting story and vision.  They are all about community, so they are in the right place. Welcome to Kirkland Wow Wow.  I'm going to get you one of these days.  And I'm coming thirsty.

Hours are : Mon Closed, T/W/R 9-6, Fri/Sat 9-8, Sun 9-7.

  Wowwowmenu1  Wowwowmenu2 <--click to enlarge menus (acai bowls too it appears)


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