Kirkland Needs You this 4th!
Eat, Drink and Support a Cause

Summer Sprinkles of Info

Why oh why are my kids all up in my face?  How long is it until school starts?  J/k, sort of, but it does make me crazy that they sometimes consume time doing absolutely nothing-sleeping in, then handstands, complaining that it's hot, checking out Snapchat that we FINALLY let them have (check this out!).  Just b/c they have summer goals written down doesn't mean they are making a go of it the first week in, that's for sure.  Stay tuned. Cause I'm about to light 'em up.

That's it for the venting portion of this post. On to the short but sweet summertime treats for you..

  Wowwowacaibowl  Wowwowinside

-Wow Wow Hawaiian Lemonade in Marina Park.  Yes, I finally made it in a few times. Fave lemonade so far is watermelon basil. Took some sips of friends drinks that were lava flow and mango pineapple which are up there too. On a different day I had a "Hawaiian Mayan" maca drink that seemed like it couldn't decide what it wanted to be when it grew up (creamy? then spicy? remotely coffee-like?).  Today I tried an Acai Bowl ("Da Kine") and it was pretty good w/fresh fruit and hemp, but it's no Healthy Bonez (their granola is magical).  Net of the story- WowWow is a super fun atmosphere, casual, the lemonades are definitely the crowd pleasers.  For an extra $5 you can get it in a nifty branded mason jar that earns you .50 off on refills. I saw many teenagers carrying them around. Lemonades start at $4 and large acai bowls go up to $12.

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-SÜSU Rolled Ice Cream- Here's a unique treat to try at the Wednesday Market next time you are visit.  SÜSU's stand is right near the gazebo entrance and they carefully craft each treat atop a frozen drum.  They are literally making ice cream right in front of your eyes.  I loved the strawberry grape, and maybe it tasted even better after I saw how much time and work went into making it. $7/each.  Definitely shareable, at least for the kids. 

Other totally random sprinkles of info because I know you gobble this stuff up:

  • Kirkland Urban- Rumors of iPic bailing have been kabashed, thank goodness.  And...It's not Purple as we know it coming back, it will be a totally new concept from  Heavy Restaurant Group.
  • Trellis- new chef! More details and tastings soon.
  • Bella Balducci's- delicious new casual Mediterranean restaurant in Juanita. Steve promised he'd write a post but I wouldn't hold my breath for that one, I may have to step in.
  • People are worried with Amazon's takeover of the world Whole Foods that it may not come to fruition at Totem Lake. But a birdie told me that it's still on as of now.
  • And what ever happened to the proposed development between Hector's and Milagro?  "Perhaps construction will start next year," says the property owner.  In the meantime we still get to sit outside and people-watch while we drink cold beverages.  


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Speaking of summer restaurants...The Slip and why haven't they been able to open their upper patio? What an inviting place it was for Kirkland and visitors. If you ask The Slip, they will tell you that the city of Kirkland increased the tax base for it and The Slip can't afford it. Is this correct? Is this something you can look into? Why wouldn't Kirkland want to have a place that brings people in to the downtown?

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