Around town
November 06, 2017
This sidewalk expansion project is complete at the corner of 98th Ave NE and Juanita Drive. You can finally walk next to your friend instead of single file from Juanita Bay Park to Juanita Beach Park. My fear of getting run over by a distracted driver has been reduced by well over 50%. Also, Juanita Drive has some improvements of protected bicycle/pedestrian lanes on the uphill which was very much needed (lifesaver, literally).
Hopelink's 17th Annual Turkey Trot 5K is coming up on Sunday November 19th at Marina Park at 10am. New this year- timing chips! Run, walk or trot to help support emergency services and holiday assistance to low-income families in north and east King County. Register here.
Want to help turn downtown Kirkland into a Winter Wonderland this weekend? Say that 5 times fast. It's this Saturday- all elves are welcome-here's the sign up genius. Speaking of elves, Santa will need some help responding to all of the children of Kirkland's letters that go into his downtown mailbox starting the end of November. Would you like to help his team of writers? Volunteering and holiday cheer at its best!
My next post will be even colder than it's been outside lately. Negative 229 degrees to be exact. And there might even be a present involved.....