Exciting Updates to our Cross Kirkland Corridor
February 24, 2019
The Rotary Club of Kirkland has developed a collection of projects to be installed at the midpoint of the Cross Kirkland Corridor, at the site of the former Northern Pacific Railroad. The centerpiece will be a Picnic Pavilion with picnic tables and illustrated signage describing the railroad's 100+ year history in Kirkland, with old photographs of trains and the two structures that once stood on the site. Also included will be a 60-foot section of original rails, a native plants area illustrating original vegetation along the corridor, a railroad crossing sign, and split-rail fencing. A detailed timeline and photos can be found here.
<-thx volunteers for clearing invasive plants in preparation for the native plant garden
The Kirkland Parks Foundation has approved sponsorship of the Native Plants Garden and fencing and is currently raising funding - but they are only 13% funded so far on their $3500 goal- Do you use the CKC often? Would you like to help support this project? Here is the link to help make it happen.
A nitpic -- the railroad was the Northern Pacific, not the Great Northern. But this a a great project and they need some donations to get this done!
Posted by: Don Winters | February 28, 2019 at 09:17 AM