Walking/Eating/Drinking around Kirkland
Our NEW Kirkland PCC Opened on 3/2 and it's Magical

Stories from the Rumor Mill and Other Truths

Whisper Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

You know I love a little whisper of something that might be happening, and that I will unabashedly share these Kirkland gems with you fully realizing I may need to apologize for the false alarm at a later date.  These are the types of Kirkland things I may hear from bumping into someone's assistant outside a location or perhaps a friend was chatting with construction workers on a lunch break.  Lame, I know, but I'm not a reporter, and this is just a blog so you're stuck with me and my hearsay for now.  Here's what I know (sort of):

  • The Birdcage on Central Way will be transforming into a beautiful Luly Yang location in about a year, so get ready for a little couture along with 'Luleisure'. 
  • There may be a MOD Pizza opening in Kirkland Square where Umpqua Bank recently moved out.  That's pretty exciting if true.  Love their salads. 
  • This is a truth: The old PCC location is closing on 3/1 and the new location will open on 3/2 just east of the Kirkland Performance Center on the ground floor of The Boardwalk mixed-use building at 430 Kirkland Way
  • Seems to be true: The cool 'Boardwalk Beach Club' signs on the building at Marina Park is not a hip new bar or restaurant awaiting the general public's summertime arrival, but instead a lakefront perk with ready-to-frolick equipment for the "The Boardwalk" luxury apartment residents. #amenitiesmatter #waytogetourattention
  • Also a truth: If you want to get in on Austin's Community Salmon Mural Paint Day that is happening on April 2nd, you'd better hurry and sign up on the interest form to be one of the 160 volunteers!

That's it for now, I'll let you sit and digest that for a bit.  Comment away...

PS- it was really tough to not plant something super funny and untrue in there just to mess with you. 





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