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Citrus in June (or January)

Citrus in June recently opened in Kirkland Urban to bring you joy in all of your plant, flower, and gift-giving needs. You should know this adorable shop exists because it's not super obvious.   You'll find Citrus in June on the second floor of Urban, right next to Dough Zone, which happens to be one of my favorite lunch spots at the moment. As a matter of fact, that is what you should do.  Apologies, I'm getting a little off-topic here, but grab a friend and go to Dough Zone.  I used to really struggle with the word 'dough' in its name because I'm feeling doughy enough as it is.  But you can get an excellent not-so-doughy lunch for two people for about $28. I'll even tell you what to order to share: A-choy w/sesame dressing (ask for light dressing), broccoli (it's always perfectly prepared), chicken soup dumplings, chicken & vegetable wontons with chili sauce.  You're welcome!

CitrusinJunesucculents CitrusinJunegifts CitrusinJunecactus

After lunch, then stroll next door to Citrus in June (#220).  A rainy afternoon pairs nicely with a belly of warm soup and some plant shopping.  This shop is the 'little sister' to their full-service shops, Columbia City Bouquet and South Lake Union Bouquet in Seattle.    You'll find fresh flowers in the case each day and plenty of plant varietals in every size and shape, or you can always order a custom arrangement for pickup or delivery.  Poke around a little more to discover glassware, cards, candles, journals/pens, stickers, and plenty of other treasures and gifts.  I was pretty excited they carry my favorite super soft/absorbent dishtowels by Geometry that come in great patterns I always had to buy online, but now I can get them locally (a great hostess gift!).   They will be in this space until at least June, so let's show them some love. And check your mailbox, there was a recent local mailer with a "25% off any one item" coupon in it.  

500 Uptown Court, Suite 220,  425-577-1485, @citrusinjune