January Happenings

You can still squeeze a few more things on your calendar in these upcoming weeks, right?  Here we go..

Before we get to the fun stuff, we'll start with a little 'biz' about Park Lane, because if you have opinions to share, now is your chance to do so.  The debate of whether to close this award-winning street permanently to vehicles and parking is back on the front burner.  There's plenty of history to catch you up on right here, and I welcome you to get involved in upcoming meetings on January 26th and 27th.  There are consultants doing a study right now, and results and decisions will be made in the coming months.  

Sat Jan 28th, 12-2 pm in the Fountain Court at Kirkland Urban: “Come Together” to Kirkland Urban for the second annual (free and public) musical celebration inspired by the original surprise Beatles Rooftop concert in 1969. The event will feature a musical performance by one of Seattle’s favorite Beatles music experiences, Good Day Sunshine, who will perform every song from the original Beatles Rooftop Concert. Attendees will enjoy photo moments with Beatles-inspired costumed characters, themed Instagram-able moments, and groovy giveaways (while supplies last.) 


Aprés-Ski Patio Pop-Up at The Heathman's Hearth Mon-Sat 5-9pm through Jan 28th
- Experience Aspen vibes in downtown Kirkland with alpine fare and comfort classics paired with hot cocktails.  It's like a little staycation- crab deviled eggs, hot toddies, table-top smores and even a shot-ski for you adventurous peeps! Reservations recommended 425-284-5900.



Wine walkfeb2023

Feb 10th 5-9 pm is the Downtown Kirkland Wine Walk: It's 90's themed, so get your half shirts and mullets ready (which weirdly are sort of back in style). Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 at the door.  This is always a fun stumble around town to see what's new with your favorite friends, or just meet new ones there.


If you haven't booked your Valentine's Day adventure yet, you'd better hurry!  How about a little relaxing? The Woodmark Hotel & Still Spa is doing a "Love is in the Air" package that includes luxury accommodations, $250 credit towards a 60 min couples massage w/aromoatherapy, a bottle of sparkling wine, and rose petals with signature Bath Butler (that would be a little strange if that were actually a person?! LOL) Promo code: LOVE23 to find out. 



My Vote is IN- is Yours?

IMG_1399 <-- it looks like I sprinted there, haha

Did you know there's a giant ballot box at the Kirkland City Hall building?  There's also one at the Kingsgate Library.  Here's a list of all of them around our area where you can drop your ballot 24/7 prior to 8pm on Election Day (Nov 6th).  Don't forget ! And of course there's always USPS too.

IMG_1406  IMG_1404

Burger Addict
- yesterday there was a Cease/Desist notice on their locked door stating they still needed to get all of their necessary permits from the city before they can open.  We all know how snappy that process is, so hopefully you don't starve while you're waiting. Their Facebook page says it was a misunderstanding on their behalf and offers a free side of fries if you show up at their Renton location. 

Oh, and Time Out Sports Bar has officially timed out. And The Slip slipped out the back door for good.  A few farewell photos here.  


Kirkland Rolls out the Welcome Mat

is an organization comprised of Kirkland residents whose mission it is to advocate for the principles and values of the City's proclamation. Recently, they have been circulating an "affirmation of support" for residents and visitors to sign,  and I thought I would share it with you.

Oh geezz...that's a lot of big words. Let's make this simple.  And I'm trying to keep politics out of this because, as you know, I super-dislike talking about politics (at least in this forum).  BUT- I will say that there are SO many amazing friends, families, neighbors, professionals, business owners, hard-workers and good-hearted people in this community that come from every corner of the earth that I admire and appreciate. 

If you like/agree with the following statement....

"We should keep Kirkland a Safe, Inclusive and Welcoming City for all People" 

...then you should consider signing this affirmation.  Possibly before Friday when city council meets to chat about this. :-)



Should Kirkland Elect a Mayor?

This letter was cut/pasted from the Kirkland Strong Facebook page.  Bob Sternoff, Kirkland resident and former Kirkland City Council member, let me know that the petition just went live yesterday and there will be a "signing kickoff" at Heritage Hall this Saturday 4/16 from 12-2.  


My fellow Kirkland Residents,

Direct accountability by somebody at City Hall is needed. The City Manager is not accountable and serves at the pleasure of 4 City Council Members, The Mayor is selected by 6 other Council Members. There are no checks and balances under the current system and we have seen the results.

It is nearly impossible for anyone living in Kirkland to not be aware of the serious issues that we face. Last week's Council meeting brought back memories from years ago. What didn’t work then doesn’t work now. Things don’t ever change if you don’t want them to. Case in point were comments from Council members regarding Kirkland’s relationship (or lack there of) with Sound Transit. The overwhelming solution mentioned was “change the Sound Transit governance”. Memo to Council and Staff: that isn’t going to happen however you should first look at your own governance structure! That is unlikely to happen without the insistence and assistance of Kirkland residents.

Since 1964 when Kirkland’s population was 6500 we have been living under a Council-Manager or “weak mayor” system of government. At the time it made sense to hire a City Manager to deal with a growing City staff and have someone who could devote full time to the job. Today most residents are surprised to learn that the Mayor does not run Kirkland day to day business. Residents do elect seven City Council members but the City Council meets and elects one of their own as Mayor and one as Deputy Mayor. The Mayor assists the City Manager with the Council meeting agenda, presides over City Council meetings and performs other ceremonial duties. But all City Council members including the Mayor have equal votes on all matters brought before them. There must also be a majority vote to have any Council Member including the Mayor represent any Kirkland position on issues. This is very limiting and at times works to the detriment of Kirkland on numerous matters but it is the system we have.

The City Manager is a person selected by majority vote of the seven City Council Members. The reality is the City manager may only have the support of four of those Council members to get hired and later to retain their job. All City departments report directly to the City Manager. He and his staff make decisions that effect all residents. This includes employees to hire, fire, reprimand and evaluate. The City Manager also sets internal policies and provides staff recommendations that influence City Council deliberations and positions on issues. The City Manager’s evaluation is done by the City Council during Executive Session behind closed doors without resident input. To recap: City Council is elected by residents and City Manager is only directly accountable to at most seven City Council members. For anyone to say that residents have a clearly meaningful and effective voice in those or any other decisions of Kirkland not requiring a City wide vote is not true.

It is not hard to understand why residents have been frustrated and angered by what comes out of City Hall. The City Council has seen numerous protests groups wearing different colored shirts emerge. These groups are our neighbors and friends who are passionate about issues that affect their neighborhoods and in many cases all of Kirkland. They have taken time to attended Council meetings only to walk away after their three minutes in front of the City Council with the feeling they weren’t heard and their comments not appreciated. On many issues the City Council appears to have already made up their minds before hearing the comments. The residents are left with the impression that the City Council and City Staff know what is best for us and their actions demonstrate just that. In the end the residents feel there is nothing they can do and nobody they can talk to who is accountable. Worse than that the belief is there is no way to change the system to be more representative and accountable.

What is clear that if we Kirkland residents truly want a change we have few options. The most obvious is that we can elect a different City Council. We have seen that it is hard to get qualified people to run especially against long time entrenched incumbents. In the past when we have seen new people get elected to the City Council not much changes. All the promises made during election time don’t happen. Even good ideas have to go though the grinder of seven Council members and an unelected staff. That is an interesting contrast to the high speed world we live in.

For anything to change you have to recognize the need to change. I noted above The City recognized ineffective Council and City Manager relationship with Sound Transit. They have at best been ineffective in that relationship. Having a Sound Transit Board Member is vitally important. Relying on other Cities to present and gather support for our needs is not in Kirkland’s best interests especially when our interests collide with those whose support we seek. Not having a directly elected Mayor who speaks for Kirkland’s 83,000 severely limits our opportunity to be represented on Sound Transit and other important Regional boards. I commend the Mayor for her efforts within her limited authority of one of seven Council Members. I also appreciate the efforts of the other Council Members but even collectively as we have seen that is not enough. And a City Manager doesn’t carry the same weight locally or regionally as an elected Mayor since they do not directly represent the residents.

The solution is to have an elected Mayor who is accountable to more than seven people, as is done in Redmond, Issaquah and other cities smaller and larger than Kirkland. Kirkland has a population of 83,000. Only two of the seven King County cities with populations over 65,000 do not elect their Mayor.

So how do we get from here to there? Petition the City Council to change the current City of Kirkland form of governance from Council-Manager to Mayor-Council as allowed by RCW Section 35A.02.060.http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?Cite=35A.02.060 .

What is required to move this forward are verified resident voter signatures totaling at least 10% of the 20,097 Kirkland votes cast at the November 3, 2015 election. That is a minimum 2100 registered and verified Kirkland resident voter signatures to force the Kirkland City Council to put the question to the voters on the November, 2016 ballot. For those who have wanted direct accountability here is your chance to make that happen.

If enough verified signatures are gathered to hold an election to change from the Council- Manager to Mayor-Council form of governance, assuming certification of a majority vote on the change of governance, an election for Mayor would take place 90 days after that.

The following replicates Redmond, Issaquah and most other Mayor-Council governance models and highlights what to expect :

City Council stays at seven members with one member selected as President, the strong mayor position will be non-partisan and directly elected by residents to a four year term.

The Mayor will be responsible for managing day to day operations utilizing City Administrator, proposing City Budget that requires City Council approval.

Mayor has veto power that can be overturned with minimum five of seven Council members votes.
Mayor would cause no increase in salary or benefit cost

Mayor will be directly accountable to all Kirkland residents

Mayor will represent Kirkland interests Regionally with one voice

Mayor salary and benefits will replace current City Manager’s

There is a one time special election cost that needs to be determined

You should sign the petition because neither the Kirkland City Council nor the City Manager is going to suggest or facilitate a change. It is up to me and you if we want change.

For those of you who voiced opposition to the Potala Project, Plastic Grocery Bags, I405 Tolling, Cross Kirkland Corridor/Sound Transit or voted NO on Prop 1 Build the ARC this is your chance to let your voice and needs be heard loud and clear. This Petition will and is intended to promote discussion vital to Kirkland’s future.

Finally, this is not a partisan issue. I assure you that there are Democrats Republicans and Libertarians who support this effort. This is a grassroots effort currently financed by the undersigned that will not solicit nor accept any funds from any political organization. This is about how to get the accountability we deserve that will benefit all of Kirkland. Its time for Kirkland to unite and to move forward as other cities in King County did many years ago.

Do your part and sign the Petition in making Kirkland Strong again. Visit our Facebook Page Kirkland Strong or contact me at: [email protected] for more information and locations you can find Petitions.

Bob Sternoff,
Kirkland Resident
[email protected]

Ps: Will somebody at Kirkland City Hall please fix the KGOV channel. “Don’t forget to bring your bags” loop played back to back followed by 2 minutes of weather forecast 24/7 instead of notice of meetings and other valuable information is not useful!

Chiefless in Kirkland

ChiefOlsonretirement (1)
I had lunch with Eric Olsen last week, for old time's sake, since we haven't done that since he was first appointed as Kirkland's Chief of Police back in 2007, and he has announced his retirement at the end of Sept.  Where does the time go?! It made me chuckle...you know we're both Kirkland people when we sit down at Cactus and neither of us needs to open our menu.  And then we order the same thing (steak salad, of course!). 

Chief Olsen's presence is one that is calm, confident and approachable. He's a people person, who tells lots of great stories about his family (the triplets are grown now!) and his officers and leadership that he has great respect for.   Eric appreciates this very special community and the support the police department receives, which as we know, is not the case everywhere.  After 33 years in public safety, he assures us that he is leaving us at point where everything is running smoothly and will be left in good hands. It will be the City Manager's job to decide on our new Police Chief with input from Council and members of the PD.  They may promote from within or conduct a search. 

On Olsen's watch, we have gotten through annexation and therefore a significant growth of our police force. We have 100 officers now.  The PD also moved to the new building which has its own lead-free range and a fully restored 1948 police car in the lobby.  Chief Olsen's proud that they are fully staffed with very low turnover (b/c who would want to leave Kirkland?).  He worked hard on making changes to officers' shifts--going from 12 to 10 hours so they can have a better quality of life. 

ChiefOlsonretirement (3)
So, what's next for Chief Olsen? He will be in charge of sales/customer service in the Northwest for Zetron out of Totem Lake that does communication systems for public safety.  Thank you for your service, Chief, it's been a good run.  Kirkland appreciates all of your hard work.  And why not end with a selfie?

And also apparently an announcement that our Fire Chief, Kevin Nalder, has resigned. 

Higher Leaf and Bags. Recycle bags of course

Our sweeties at the ole City of Kirkland have been busy!  They recently approved our first retail marijuana business license.    That's right.  Here we go.  And in true Kirkland style, it is a boutique.  No ghetto pot shops here, that's fo-sho. Please kindly welcome the  Higher Leaf Marijuana Boutique that is located on 12525 Willows Rd NE, Suite 60. And since I am the city guinea pig appointed to try all new things, it looks like I may have to take one for the team.  It makes me sleepy just thinking about it,  and I may have misplaced my old Grateful Dead t-shirt from college.   Hours are Mon-Thurs 11-8, Fri- Sat 11-10 and Sun 12-5. They are praising the high quality of their product  and that it is locally and sustainably grown.  So there's that.  And I think their webmaster has been hitting the bong too because they want us to know that they opened on  "Febraury 13th."  425-820-5967 or [email protected] will get you better info.

In case that wasn't excitement enough for one month, the city council just approved a plastic bag reduction policy  ordinance. Maybe you should bring your reusable eco-friendly bags when heading to Higher Leaf?  Don't freak out quite yet, you can still accumulate your dog poopie bags until March 1, 2016, at which point retailers will be restricted from using single-use disposable plastic bags.  Retailers both large and small will be required to charge customers a five cent fee for each large recyclable paper bag they distribute.  There are a few exceptions- bags for bulk food, hardware, frozen meats, take-out food, newspaper and dry-cleaning (there's got to be a better method for dry cleaners??).  Kirkland is following the lead of places like Seattle, Issaquah, Bellingham, Shoreline and Mercer Island that have adopted similar policies.  I think this should be a good step for our environmental awareness, but there are lots of people pitching a fit.  Let's see how it goes!  Maybe it will give me some extra incentive to stop forgetting my re-usable bags in my trunk?  The plastic bag reduction policy is here.  There is also a recycling hotline for residents and businesses at 425-587-3812 or [email protected]. The city will be giving away about 10,000 reusable bags this summer/fall.  Some will go directly to low-income residents through Hopelink while others will be distributed at City Hall and at local events.