Kirkland Parks Foundation Fundraising for Waverly Beach Park
April 29, 2015
The Kirkland Parks Foundation is a new non-profit organization that fundraises for projects that will enhance Kirkland parks. Think of it as a Kirkland Parks "Kickstarter." The proposal they are working on right now is to fund a new picnic shelter at Waverly Beach Park. The total cost is $150,000, an ambitious first project for the foundation, but definitely doable if I know our park-goers. The City of Kirkland and The Rotary Club have each pledged $50,000 already, so that leaves another $50,000 to raise within our community. Would YOU enjoy a picnic shelter at Waverly? There would be a couple of BBQ's and covered seating for 40+ people that could host birthday parties, family reunions, picnics, and other events. Sounds fabulous to me.
As of today, they have met 22% of that goal with 61 more days of crowd-funding to go. So check your wallet and decide quickly. If you visit this park on occasion, or even if you don't....a small donation still supports the concept and proves that raising money for our parks this way can work. Who knows, maybe the next concept will be in your neighborhood or favorite park? You can suggest a future project here. Donations are welcomed here and are tax-deductible. Questions? Contact Sally Otten ([email protected]), Excecutive Director, who is kindly donating 2 yrs of her time to this cause. ~j